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Trauma Therapy in NYC

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Women of color (WOC) face unique challenges when it comes to mental health. As a result, even when faced with pain, we tend to push it aside and present a brave face to the world.

Being the “strong one” often leads to downplaying or avoiding feelings. Certainly, the hard truth is that feelings that are complex (disappointment, sadness, shame) linger inside of us until they are acknowledged. Sis, we know it’s sometimes easier to pretend hurt isn’t there, but that doesn’t make the pain go away. We thank you for being on this journey of self-discovery.

Allow a trauma therapist on the be Morr Team support you with moving forward from  painful experiences.


If you’re ready to start feeling better, schedule a complimentary consultation with us today.

Our approach to Trauma Therapy in NYC

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Trauma is a term used to describe a distressing or disturbing experience that can have a long-lasting imprint on your overall health. In some cases, some people don’t identify with experiencing trauma because we’re used to associating trauma with acute or catastrophic events.

We love to give clients language to name their experiences. For example, in therapy, trauma is generally broken up into two categories: ‘Big T’ and ‘Little T’.  Firstly, Big "T" trauma refers to events that are catastrophic, life-threatening, or intensely distressing. Secondly, Little “t” trauma, refers to experiences that may not be as severe as a major traumatic event, but can still have a significant impact on your well-being.

For instance, Little ”t” traumas can include experiences such as:

  • Bullying

  • Emotional neglect or abuse

  • Loss of a job or financial instability

  • A breakup or divorce

  • A complicated move

  • Public shaming

  • Discrimination and racism

  • Receiving  a medical diagnosis or a medical procedure

  • Growing up in a household where a parent had a mental illness or addiction

  • Witnessing a crime ( this includes videos online)

  • Constant microaggressions

One thing to remember here is  that the impact of trauma is subjective and can vary from person to person. What may be traumatic for you may not be traumatic for another person. For example,  there is a household where two siblings witnessed their parents being abusive towards each other. One person may reconcile those experiences, while the other has deep distrust of others.  Validating your experiences, despite who agrees with you, can be the starting point to your emotional freedom.

We understand that talking about previous experiences is not an easy task.  To create a supportive environment,  our team of Trauma Informed Therapists often use grounding exercises, mindfulness, and other relaxation techniques in sessions.

Trauma Therapy in NYC FAQs

  • When should I see a Therapist for Anxiety?
    It's a good idea to consider seeking therapy for anxiety if you're experiencing significant distress or impairment in your daily life due to your symptoms. Here are some signs that it may be time to see a therapist for anxiety: You are experiencing intense and frequent anxiety symptoms such as panic attacks, excessive worry, or obsessive thoughts that are interfering with your daily life. Your anxiety is causing you to avoid or withdraw from activities, social situations, or relationships that you used to enjoy or find important. Your anxiety is impacting your ability to concentrate, work, or perform everyday tasks. You are experiencing physical symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, or digestive issues that are related to your anxiety. Your anxiety is causing you significant emotional distress, such as feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or worthlessness. If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, working with a therapist can help you develop coping strategies, explore the root causes of your anxiety, and provide support and guidance as you work towards managing your symptoms. It's important to remember that seeking help for anxiety is a sign of strength and self-care, and that with the right support, it's possible to manage your symptoms and live a life filled with ease.
  • What triggers Anxiety?
    Anxiety can be triggered by a wide range of factors, and what triggers anxiety for one person may not necessarily trigger anxiety for another. Here are a few common triggers of anxiety: Stressful life events: Major life changes, such as a job loss, breakup, or illness, can trigger feelings of anxiety. Trauma: Experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event, such as a natural disaster, accident, or violent crime, can trigger anxiety. Genetics: There may be a genetic component to anxiety, meaning that it can run in families. Substance use: Alcohol, drug use, high caffeine intake can trigger anxiety symptoms or make existing symptoms worse. Understanding your individual triggers can help you manage your anxiety and develop coping strategies to deal with challenging situations.
  • What is Anxiety Therapy like?
    At be Morr, we understand the powerful connection between the body and the mind. The mind-body connection refers to the relationship between your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and attitudes (the mind) and your physical health and well-being (the body). Some of our preferred types of treatment include: Mindfulness-based therapies: Meditation and yoga can help you develop awareness of your thoughts and emotions, and learn to respond to them in a more helpful way. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT): Helps you identify and challenge negative thought patterns that contribute to anxiety, and develop more balanced ways of thinking. Relaxation techniques: Skills such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and visualization can help reduce anxiety symptoms by promoting relaxation. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT): Teaches you to identify and regulate your emotions in a healthy way, rather than allowing emotions to control your behavior. Because anxiety looks different for everyone, we first work together to discover what is underneath (aka what is causing it). Throughout your journey, you will collaborate with your therapist to gain insight into the root causes, and your triggers, while also learning tools to regain a sense of control in your life.
  • What is a Trauma informed approach?
    A trauma-informed approach is a way of providing care that takes into consideration the potential impact of trauma on individuals. There is an emphasis on creating a safe and supportive environment that promotes healing, empowerment, and resilience. In sessions, this can look like: Ensuring your physical and emotional safety Building trust through transparency, clear communication, and consistent follow-through ( aka if we offer to follow up on something- we keep our word) Allowing you to make choices and have control over your treatment (if a coping skill is not working out- we welcome that feedback) Building skills to empower you Acknowledging the unique experiences of how you experience your culture Tailoring sessions to your unique needs- therapy looks and feels differently for everyone.
  • Where in the body is Trauma stored?
    First, the mind and body are interconnected and influence each other. Trauma can be stored in the body in several ways. Here are a few examples: Tension: Tight muscles/knots, chronic pain, headaches, and digestive issues. Hypervigilance: Trauma can lead to a constant state of hypervigilance, where the body is always on high alert and ready to respond to perceived threats. This can cause exhaustion, sleep disturbances, and heightened anxiety. Numbness: Have you ever described your emotions as “I feel numb/nothing” or often answer “I don’t know” when someone asks how you feel? Trauma can cause the body to shut down and numb out, disconnecting from emotions and physical sensations. This is what we call feelings of disassociation. Sensitivity: Trauma can make the body more sensitive to external stimuli (ex. Noisy environments, touch, etc), leading to an increased frightened response.
  • How can Trauma impact your relationships
    Trauma can have a significant impact on relationships in various ways, including: Trust issues: It could feel difficult to trust others and form healthy relationships. Codependency: Becoming overly reliant on another person for emotional support and struggling to set boundaries. Intimacy issues: Trouble feeling comfortable with closeness, leading to difficulties in forming and maintaining intimate relationships. Communication issues: Finding it hard to effectively express emotions or needs in a relationship. Emotional reactivity: A pattern of intense flood of emotions or shut down in response to triggers. Conflict: Strains in relationships due to intense feelings of anger and irritability.

Get Help From a Trauma Informed Therapist in NYC

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Most importantly, if you’re still on this page, we want to validate the experience of pushing feelings down or away. Think about it, what was the first thing you heard when you cried as a child? If it was something along the lines of “stop crying” or “you’re fine”, your survival tactic will be to keep going no matter what. It's important to remember that everyone experiences trauma differently, and there is no "right" way to cope with trauma.


If any of this resonates with you, it may be helpful to talk to a mental health professional who can help you process your experiences.

Give yourself the chance to unpack your experiences.

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