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About Patricia

I support WOC who are used to being the only person of color in the room find their voice.

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Patricia Valencia, LMHC

You are super smart; your natural curiosity and love of shared knowledge has opened many doors for you and also made you extremely lonely. When you look at your life you see a constant…. Very few faces that look like yours have a seat at the table with you. Your presence in these spaces exhaust you!  It also allows you to see the world and the people in it from a unique vantage point.  

You understand that people are complex and not inherently bad. You hold on to this idea as you repeatedly forgive the slights, hurtful comments, and overt cruelty of your friends and loved ones.  Yet, somehow it still hurts, and you have become weary of pushing everything down, forgiving and trying to rise above

I see you.

I love being a therapist because I believe there is strength and resilience in everyone. I became a therapist because growth is a choice you make every minute you breathe.  I am honored when someone chooses to share their most intimate moments with me, I do not take it lightly.  I believe that mental health is physical health. Our mind, body and spirits are interwoven, created to work in tandem. 

If you’re ready to start THRIVING, click here to schedule a FREE 15-minute consultation.

What I stand for

I believe in grace and kindness. I believe in multiple truths. I believe that nature, nurture and experiences impact mental health.  I believe that change starts with a desire and is achieved with action. I believe it is possible to outgrow ideals, and people. I believe that though blood is thicker than water it does not give toxic people and situations carte blanche to run amuck in our lives. You do not have to be a slave to the hurt and injustice the adults in your life refuse to fix.

You deserve a soft place to land

Our work together will travel your present and your past. We will explore the connections between your thoughts and feelings. We will lean into strengths you do not realize you have. You will learn how to feel your feelings without judgment and shame. You will heal and grow. Your choices will allow you to create a life that grants you security and peace.

More About Me

Simple pleasures:  I love contemporary romance novels that incorporate mental health experiences in the plot.

Favorite quote  “Do or Do Not There Is No Try”- Yoda, Jedi Master

Not-so-fun fact:  I am happiest running barefoot through the grass and dancing in the sunlight.

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